Onramps to FCBC

This series is meant to introduce you to some of the distinctive elements of Fort Collins Bible Church:

An Introduction to what is so special about Fort Collins Bible Church
The Gospel – what is MOST important to understand…
The Bible:  How we understand and apply God’s Holy Word
Your Position in Christ: Understanding more about what Jesus Christ has done for us.
Sanctification:  Getting to Know how we are to Grow in Christ
Church Life:  What is the Church and what is God’s purpose for us?
God’s Plan for the Ages:  What God has revealed about His perfect plan.
The Doctrinal Statement:  Why it is so valuable to have a clear statement of our beliefs.

We hope and pray that this resource is helpful in helping you find the “Onramp” to being a productive part of all that the Lord is doing at Fort Collins Bible Church.  If you come in we are happy to provide free resources about this course, or you can buy a copy here: