Our Distinctives

We are committed to glorifying God by knowing Him through His Word and serving Him. We believe the Bible is God’s inspired, inerrant revelation to humanity, communicated in language we can understand. This conviction drives our approach to Scripture: we study to discern the singular meaning intended by the original authors, as inspired by the Holy Spirit. We employ a literal, grammatical-historical method of interpretation, carefully observing the context—linguistic, cultural, and historical—to accurately understand and apply truth.

God’s Word emphasizes that deep Biblical understanding is key to spiritual growth and maturity, so we are passionate about equipping all believers—not just pastors—with the tools to study and apply God’s Word.

We strive to let everything we do be motivated by grace. This means walking by means of the Spirit and avoiding lawlessness and legalism. Spiritual growth is not achieved through human effort but through reliance on God. The idea that we can live however we please because we are saved reflects a spiritually immature perspective. Instead, we seek to embrace the balance of grace: being motivated by love for God and His grace while being empowered by His Spirit.

Our Beliefs

The Bible

We believe all 66 books of Scripture are God-breathed and without error in the original manuscripts. God’s Word is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice.

The Trinity

We believe in one God eternally existing in three Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—each distinct from the other, but all equal in essence, attributes, and glory.

Man Created and Fallen

We believe God created humanity in His image, distinct from animals and not evolved from lower life forms. Through Adam’s disobedience, sin entered the world, and all people are now born sinners, spiritually dead and separated from God, destined for eternal judgment apart from salvation in Christ.

Jesus of Nazareth

We believe Jesus Christ, God the Son, was supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, died on the cross as the substitute for sinners, and rose bodily from the dead on the third day. He currently sits at the right hand of the Father and will someday come again to rule God’s mediatorial kingdom and fulfill the remainder of Biblical prophecy.


We believe salvation is by God’s grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone, who fully paid the penalty for sin. Good works cannot contribute to salvation. All who trust in Christ are eternally secure, saved forever from sin’s penalty, and will never face condemnation.

The Church

We believe the Church is the body of Christ, composed of all believers from Pentecost to the Rapture, united by the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Church is a “mystery” (revelation that had not been revealed before) not alluded to in the Old Testament, and is distinct from Israel.

Fort Collins Bible Church is a local assembly of believers dedicated to the equipping and edifying of one another and contributing to the purposes of the universal church. We recognize two ordinances given to the Church: Baptism, as an outward testimony of faith in Christ that in no way contributes to salvation, and the Lord’s Supper, as a remembrance of His death and resurrection.

The Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit indwells, seals, and baptizes all who trust in Christ at the moment of salvation. He empowers and transforms believers, imparting spiritual gifts for the edification of the Church. We believe that the sign gifts (such as tongues and miraculous healing) were temporary (for the purpose of authenticating God’s revelation) and ceased with the completion of Scripture.

End Times

We believe in the pre-tribulational rapture of the Church as the next prophetic event, followed by a literal seven-year tribulation during which God will complete His purposes for Israel and judge the nations. After the tribulation, Christ will return bodily to establish His millennial kingdom on earth, reigning in righteousness for 1,000 years.

At the end of the millennium, unbelievers will face final judgment at the Great White Throne and be consigned to eternal punishment in the lake of fire. God will create new heavens and a new earth, where believers will dwell for eternity.

Our Leadership