Biblical Training Program

Program Overview

The Fort Collins Bible Church Biblical Training Program is designed to build believers up in the word of God.  It is the goal of this program to prepare the saints of God for whatever ministry to which they have been gifted and called.  This program is offered to you free of charge but comes at the cost of two major expectations:

  1. You will be dedicated in your studies.
  2. You will use this training to serve the body of Christ.

While this program offers no degrees of academic achievement (bachelors, masters, ect.), certificates will be provided to recognize the completion of the following programs of study and mentorship.

Bible Basics Certificate

This is the central mainstay of the entire institute.  This course of study is meant to cover the lion’s share of what every believer should know, or be growing to understand.  While there are other certificates that follow it is our belief that a thorough understanding of the material covered in this course will give a believer all of the training needed to serve Christ in the local church, head into a mission field, lead a home Bible Study, prepare Bible lessons, plant or lead a local fellowship of believers. 

Bible Scholar Certificate

This certificate assumes completion of the Bible Basics Certificate.  This certificate adds advanced hermeneutics as well as a thorough introduction to the Biblical Languages.  The goal of this certificate is to equip the student to read and understand technical commentaries and grow closer to the language, history, and culture that provides the background to the word of God. 

Pastoral Certificate

This certificate assumes completion of the Bible Basics Certificate.  It is our stated conviction that the Bible Basics Certificate offers all of the basic information a person may need to begin a public ministry of evangelism, teaching, preaching, or pastoral work. The specific demands of pastoral leadership are herein considered and additional training and mentorship is provided on preparation of teaching publically, Biblical Counselling, and the general topic of polemics and discernment.

Church Planter Certificate

This certificate assumes the completion of the Bible Basics Certificate.  This certificate is designed to equip a believer for the special task of church planting.  This would include two major fields:

  1. Churches planted in the missionary sense of planting a church, appointing leadership and moving on to plant another church
  2. Planting a church with a view towards pastoring that church into the foreseeable future.

It is the goal of this program to help build solid, biblical, New Testament Churches that see healthy growth through evangelism and discipleship.  This course does not focus on “tips and tricks” to bringing in the masses – it encourages the student to consider the central, sound principles of the Bible for building up and planting a new local fellowship of believers.

Soul-Winner’s Certificate This certificate assumes the completion of the Bible Basics Certificate.  This course of study is designed to prepare and equip the believer to fulfill the call of Scripture to “do the work of an evangelist.” (2 Timothy 4:5)  It focuses upon providing resources on how to present the gospel clearly and simply in any context.  The student will receive information needed to understand and address different worldviews, common objections to the faith, as well as how to minister to different people in different contexts.  At the end of these classes the student will be equipped to start a spiritual conversation and be a willing participant in the work of Jesus Christ’s mission to seek and save those who are lost. (Luke 19:10)

Biblical Training Program Curricula

The Bible Basics Certificate (37 Hours)

The Gospel (4 Sessions)
The Believer’s Position in Christ (4 Sessions)
How to Study the Bible (Basic Hermeneutics) (8 Sessions)
Old Testament Survey (4 Sessions)
New Testament Survey (4 Sessions)
Systematic Theology (Basic) (12 Sessions)
Final Project and Defense

Bible Scholar Certificate (118 Hours)

Completion of the Bible Basics Certificate
Advanced Hermeneutics (10 Sessions)
Greek – (36 Sessions)
Greek II (16 Sessions) – For those who choose the Greek path
Hebrew (36 Sessions)
Hebrew II (16 Sessions) – For those who choose the Hebrew path
Systematic Theology (Advanced) (20 Sessions)
Final Project and Defense

Pastoral Certificate (72 Hours)

Completion of the Bible Basics Certificate
Spiritual Leadership (5 Sessions)
Demand for Discipleship (10 Sessions)
God’s Word on God’s Church (Ecclesiology) (8 Sessions)
Biblical Anthropology and Counselling (15 Sessions)
Apologetics with Randy Peterman (4 Sessions)
Teaching God’s Word (Lectures) (15 Sessions)
Teaching God’s Word (Lab) (15 Sessions)
Final Project and Defense

Church Planter Certificate (74 Hours)

Completion of the Bible Basics Certificate
Demand for Discipleship (10 Sessions)
God’s Word on God’s Church (Ecclesiology) (8 Sessions)
Pre-Evangelism (7 Sessions)
Apologetics with Randy Peterman (4 Sessions)
Biblical Anthropology and Counselling (15 Sessions)
Teaching God’s Word (Lectures) (15 Sessions)
Teaching God’s Word (Lab) (15 Sessions)
Final Project and Defense

Soul-winner Certificate (38 Hours)

Completion of the Bible Basics Certificate
Demand for Discipleship (10 Sessions)
Apologetics with Randy Peterman (4 Sessions)
Evangelism with Jeremy Jackson (4 Sessions)
Conversational Evangelism (10 Sessions)
Tactics (10 Sessions)
Final Project and Defense

A Warm Welcome!

The central focus of this program is to build up and equip believers to serve the body of Christ.  Our goal is to provide the mentorship and training needed to equip the saints for ministry and prepare them for whatever field of service to which the Lord may call.  A certificate is simply a symbol – a symbol of work completed.  It is our hope to provide the training that a servant of Christ needs, and a confirmation that the believer has successfully studied and demonstrated proficiency in the field of study and can go forth to serve the Lord with renewed humility and confidence in God’s provision, gifting, and guidance.

Here you may find the recorded lessons from many of our Bible Basics Certificate.


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